Thursday, April 23, 2020

FY2020 Preventing School Violence: STOP School Violence solicitation

BJA recently posted the FY2020 Preventing School Violence: STOP School Violence solicitation. This solicitation is designed to improve school security by providing students and teachers with the tools they need to recognize, respond quickly to, and help prevent acts of violence. The program’s objective is to increase school safety by implementing training to improve school climate, school threat assessments and/or intervention teams to identify school violence risks among students; technological solutions, such as anonymous reporting technology that can be implemented as a mobile phone-based app, a hotline, or a website in the applicant’s geographic area to enable students, teachers, faculty, and community members to anonymously identify threats of school violence; or other school safety strategies that assist in preventing violence.  The available funding for this solicitation is approximately $71 million.
You can find the funding announcement here:
BJA will host another funding webinar on April 30 at 1:00 PM EDT.  Interested applicants can register for the webinar at:

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