Tuesday, August 04, 2009

GHSA Supports Distracted Driving Summit

GHSA is pleased to learn that Secretary LaHood plans to convene a distracted driving summit this fall. There are a variety of challenges with distracted driving, and we commend the Secretary for leading the effort to address this important highway safety issue. GHSA is particularly interested in strategies for enforcing texting and cell phone bans as well as technological applications that would limit or eliminate distractions. The Association looks forward to working with the Secretary and other partners as we develop distracted driving countermeasures.

Cell phone and texting laws are posted online at:

The Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA)® is a nonprofit association representing the highway safety offices of states, territories, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. GHSA provides leadership and representation for the states and territories to improve traffic safety, influence national policy and enhance program management. Its members are appointed by their Governors to administer federal and state highway safety funds and implement state highway safety plans. Contact GHSA at 202-789-0942 or visit www.ghsa.org.

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