Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Dane County, Wisconsin, Arrest Policies Project: A Process Evaluation

The Grants to Encourage Arrest Policies Program encourages jurisdictions to implement mandatory or pro-arrest policies as an effective domestic violence intervention that is part of a coordinated community response. Congress appropriated funds for the Arrest Program under the Violence Against Women Act (1994). The Program assumes that the arrest of a batterer will leverage the coercive and persuasive power of the criminal justice system to ensure victim safety and manage the behavior of abusive, violent offenders. Ensuring victim safety and offender accountability are the guiding principles underlying the Grants to Encourage Arrest Policies. The Violence Against Women Act directs that the Arrest Program funds be used to:

Implement mandatory arrest or pro-arrest programs and policies in
police departments, including mandatory arrest programs or pro-arrest program and polices for protection order violations

Develop policies and training programs in
police departments and other criminal justice and tribal agencies to improve tracking of cases involving domestic violence

Centralize and coordinate
police enforcement, prosecution, probation, parole or judicial responsibility for domestic violence cases in groups or units of police officers, prosecutors, probation and parole officers or judges

computer tracking systems to ensure communication between police, prosecutors, and both criminal and family courts

Strengthen legal advocacy service programs for victims of
domestic violence by providing complete information and support for a victim of domestic violence as the case against her abuser moves through the criminal justice system

Educate judges, and others responsible for judicial handling of
domestic violence cases, in criminal, tribal, and other courts about domestic violence to improve judicial handling of such cases.


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