Sunday, December 02, 2007

What About Me: Coping with the Abduction of a Brother or Sister

Each year, there are more than 58,000 non-family abductions and more than 1 million children are reported missing. This is a staggering number, but it doesn't include the other young victims-the sisters and brothers of those who have been abducted. These overlooked children suffer the loss of their sibling. Their lives are turned asunder, and family patterns are irrevocably changed.

This publication is the effort of those who have lived the nightmare of losing a sister or brother. Eight siblings joined with the Office of
Justice Programs to write this guide. During its creation, these siblings spoke eloquently and from their hearts about the need for a resource for left-behind children whose needs are often overlooked. At the time of the abduction, these siblings said they felt isolated and overwhelmed by their emotions. They rarely found the support they needed to deal with the gaping loss they faced.


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